More than 34 million people have already voted. These states have by far the most pre-election votes.

Heavyweights in American politics are on the campaign trail to make some final arguments on the importance of next Tuesday’s election.

But their message may not reach people’s hearts.

It’s about capitalized democracy

“Democracy is on the ballot,” President Joe Biden told donors in Florida this week.

Later, in a speech Washington, D.C., he warned of political violence across the country.

But in acknowledgment of the reality of his own political toxicity, Biden has largely avoided inciting voters in key racial states.

It’s about democracy in the states

In Arizona, former President Barack Obama, who was hugely popular and attractive to Democrats, told a rally that if a group of deniers in the Republican election win next week, “we Democracy as it is known may not survive in Arizona.”

He added: “It’s not an exaggeration. It’s the truth.”

In particular, candidates for secretary of state in Arizona and Nevada have pledged to upgrade electoral systems there to prevent widespread voter fraud, but there is no evidence of that.

around 2024

Former President Donald Trump will begin his closing rally blitz in Iowa, not the most contested place in the Senate, but the location of the first presidential preference contest in the upcoming 2024 primary.

At an earlier rally in Texas, Trump saw the election as an opportunity for the “MAGA movement” to take the country back from Democrats.

CNN’s Gabby Orr and Jeff Zeleny have a good look at where Trump is going, who he’s with and what that could mean. Note: Trump is not running for governor of Florida. Ron DeSantis, but he’s running in Florida.

Read the full analysis Gentlemen

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